whatever inclination made me think it was a good idea to buy an entire bottle of veuve and attempt to ‘study’ italian/ gmat math was seriously on crazy pills. what??! i dont even drink these days! fuck. this is the shit i do when neil leaves and i have the convenience of my credit card, a liquor store downstairs and freshly squeeze orange juice. i think im on my 6th mimosa. christ. havent even opened my GMAT book; no, im too busy catching up on stupid words with friends games. did you know ‘cunt’ isn’t an acceptable word? im starting a ‘WTSBAIWWF’ tumblr. aka: “words that should be acceptable in words with friends” tumblr. haha. the title is a work in progress. so is my life. time to sign off before my rants get too (em)o. no accomplishments to drink to… 7th mimosa, here i come!