we were broken from the get go. you with your heart in a thousand pieces. me with my unconquerable ambitions and desire to always have it all. you wanted companionship, but i wanted to succeed at us… never realizing that we were nothing to be succeeded at. it is only now, too deep and too late into it all that i realize what we had to overcome together. fears, insecurities, failures, miscommunications, mistakes. we repeated the patterns we promised never to begin in the first place, and in turn lost one another. in my desperate search for freedom, i pushed away the world… the world that you handed me on a silver platter from the get go. i can’t apologize enough for the hurt i’ve caused, nor the lasting impression that remains, but still, i’m sorry. the resentment i harbored turned me into a monster i never thought i could become. my anger, my frustration and my impatience overcame our love, instead of the other way around. we will never be what we once were, and yet our hearts are still adjoined. the tears fall endlessly because i hurt as you hurt. i ache as you ache. i cry as you cry. so long as i feel as you feel, i’ll never want to let go. but it’s no longer about me, is it? it never was. it was about us, and what we could never overcome. fears, insecurities, failures, miscommunications, mistakes…
it is time to let go.