We just spent three days climbing the mountains of Zhang Jia Jie- the inspiration for the setting of Avatar. When the fog rolls in and the countless stone peaks each peek above the mist, the setting is magical. That is, if you can overlook the million other screaming Chinese folk who’ve also decided to drag their kids to a now booming tourist destination they can’t truly appreciate.
Apparently the Chinese gov’t doesn’t have enough money to develop a place like Jiang Jia Jie so the country relies on a single private investor to fund for the excavation of caves and growth of trails, etc in the mountains. In a way, this has kept the mountain somewhat secluded from the outside world (in a way that Yosemite and Yellowstone haven’t been) but it has also kept the mountain from growing into what could potentially be a very lucrative industry for a poverty stricken city.
I’m not sure I would call it a “must see” considering what an arduous process it is to get here, but maybe a private helicopter tour would work?