Best part of working in New York? No matter how late I got up, how many wrap-up reports I need to prep before the day’s end, or how stressed work has made me… I still have three hours on my west coast counterparts. When I start my day in NY (5AM), my friends are just getting home from the club in LA. And by the time I’d usually be hitting the gym in LA (6AM), I’ve already knocked out half my to do list in NY.
Worst part of working in New York? 15-18hr days. 12 if I’m super duper lucky :/ Not sure if it’s just that my workload has quadrupled in the last two weeks and now I’m in a timezone where I “have” to work 15hrs (5AM or 6AM est - 7PM pst) or if I’m just really bad at prioritizing because I’m ahead of the curve. Either way, my body craves the gym, my mind is utterly exhausted and I can’t wait for the weekend. *cue Rebecca Black - Friday.