9. How Important You Think Education Is

Immensely so.

Since graduating in December, I’ve been drafting thoughts and reflections on my tremendously pricey undergraduate education, which has always concluded in a growing appreciation for academia. While I understand that a structured system may not be meant for everyone, it speaks volumes of those who are able to finish it, and finish it well. As my father always says: “It is about the process, not the end result. Everyone can do what they want to do, but not everyone can do what they need to do.”

My education has taught me more than just communication theory, how to use pentool and Daoist proverbs. It’s provided me a new world view in which to analyze problems, diagnose solutions and ultimately contribute back to society. It’s instilled in me a discipline I was never able to self-impose. Over three and a half years, my education has changed me from a potential dropout to someone contemplating a dual Masters and potential doctorate.

If there is anything more important than education, it is our educators.