10 Old Fashioned Dating Habits We Should Make Cool Again

1. Coming to the door to pick someone up.
2. Trying to dress really nicely for a date.
3. Bringing flowers or other tokens of affection to the first date.
4. Going dancing that’s not grinding on a grimy club floor.
5. Straightforwardly asking someone out and not calling it “hanging out.”
6. Additionally, being clear about when you’re “going steady.”
7. Romantic gestures like writing poems.
8. Turning electronics off and just being with one another.
9. The general concept of asking permission for things.
10. Not assuming sex is to be had at any point in time.
by Kate Bailey

Source: http://handcrafted-in-germany.tumblr.com/p...

Momofuku Bo Ssam Dinner

I’m lurking the crap out of Aziz right now & stumbled across this. Uh. Talk about #INSPIRATION. All I really want in life is to be successful enough to just throw dinner parties for my friends/family. Real talk. This is going down in a few weeks… just you wait.


I always knew at some point I would get obsessed with cooking and it took hold in the past few months. Last night, myself, my little brother Aniz, and David Cho decided to go for it and do the legendary Momofuku Bo Ssam dinner at home. It was RIDIC.
