everything is going to be alright: things learned in new york


  1. Emergency exit rows are the first class of coach.
  2. Whiskey gingers are always fun.
  3. Lawrence has nicer jackets than you. 
  4. Mekhi Phifer, John Malkovich, Paul Walker, and Michael Cera need to be in a film together.
  5. Always two pitas. One chicken, one pork. Fries optional. 
  6. When the price is right, give up your seat on the plane for the next flight. 
  7. Free refills.
  8. New York City and good music in your headphones can make you feel like you’re in a movie.
  9. Self Edge. Visit for the denim. Stay for the food recommendations. 
  10. Coffee Foundry coffee is so good. 
  11. Watching your jeans get darned is oddly hypnotizing. 
  12. Nico is like Batman. Remember how Batman would disappear when Commissioner Gordon turned his back to look at a piece of evidence? Nico’s like that except it’s beer instead of clues to the Joker’s next heist. 
  13. Get back to New York as soon as possible.

    Unbelievably excited for a good coffee recommendation. I’ve been dying a slow death with Starbucks lattes.