Google | G Suite customer films (A 3-PARt project)
For better or worse, the launch – and subsequent success – of Gmail positioned G Suite as a consumer brand instead of a business solution. It introduced Google’s suite of easy-to-use products (think Docs, Sheets, Mail, Calendar, etc.) to every day consumers and brought cloud-based computing into homes instead of offices. To help shift this perception, Google first needed a “Field Guide To Telling Customer Stories” to understand the foundations of emotive, branded storytelling.
This overview served as the framework for the brand’s inaugural customer story: Buurtzorg, a pioneering healthcare organization in The Netherlands.
The Buurtzorg film was so well received that Google extended the customer story model to their largest customer: PricewaterhouseCoopers. A multinational network of consulting firms spanning over 275,000 employees, PwC epitomized the ultimate enterprise adoption of G Suite.
What began as a fairly straight-forward one-day shoot in Manhattan at PwC’s offices quickly evolved into a three-city, remote endeavor to accommodate increasing travel restrictions due to Covid-19.
With support from Subconscious Films, Conscious’ Minds feature films division, I oversaw the project from start to finish: beginning with strategic approach, moving into story research and development and finally production and editorial. Final deliverables increased from one 2-min hero edit to one 4-min hero edit and three 1-min product features, with all elements of post-production taking place remotely across four time zones.